Inclusivity methodology

Developing your EDI strategy takes time, commitment and guidance. So, to make things easier, we’ve created a clear, five-step methodology (based on our years of knowledge and experience!) that you can follow to build a winning, inclusive and diverse culture.

All of our inclusion services fit logically into this methodology so you know you’re focusing on the right strategy, with the right people, at the right time.


Raise awareness

Normalise diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Talking about EDI in the workplace for the first time can be tricky – and people often worry about saying the wrong thing, causing offence or just looking silly. The first stage of our work together is to find some quick wins and low-hanging fruit we can use to normalise diversity in your organisation and get the ball rolling when it comes to your inclusion strategies.

Recommended serviceWorkshops & Training

Engage your senior leaders

Create the right climate for change

Leadership commitment is vital to the success of your inclusion strategy – but a major challenge is getting senior staff to pay more than just lip service to EDI. Step two of our methodology is centred around getting ‘buy-in’ from management when it comes to inclusion – helping them ‘walk the talk’ in a way where they drive good growth with conviction and confidence.

Recommended serviceCoaching & mentoring

Assess and plan

Enable organisational evolution and develop your strategy

The core of our methodology is the design and creation of your unique inclusion strategy, diving deep in  your workplace to outline the blueprint for effective change. Together, we’ll follow a proven, practical framework to deliver a diverse, sustainable and inclusive workplace – using a clear roadmap and actionable data to strategically align EDI to your organisational growth.

Recommended serviceConsultancy & strategy


Receive hands-on strategic advice from an EDI expert

Putting your inclusion ideas into practice (in a way that actually makes an impact!) is one of the most difficult aspects of any project. That’s why stage four of our methodology takes the weight off your shoulders with support from our team – including strategic advice, implementation sprints and more. You can even outsource activities to us if you don’t have capacity.

Recommended serviceConsultancy & strategy

Improve and sustain change

Ensure ongoing support and long-term guidance

Even after the implementation of a successful inclusion strategy, there’s still plenty of room for growth and
development. The final step of our methodology is focused on regular operational guidance and support
from a Mildon expert – covering continuous improvement, measurement of results, upskilling of key
stakeholders and planning for future EDI initiatives.

Recommended serviceConsultancy & strategy

Contact us today for a consultation or review

If you’re committed to building a thriving workplace where top talent wants to work, having a friendly exploratory chat with our team is the perfect place to start.

Get in touch today