Case studies
See why organisations across the UK are trusting Mildon to help them embed diversity, equity and inclusion into their culture in a way that drives innovation, creativity and productivity.
Advising the advisors
Turley offers expert advisory services for the built environment and beyond, working collaboratively with its clients to deliver places and communities that thrive.
Read case studyPlan International UK
If an organisation doesn’t have deep pockets, it’s easy to overlook having diversity and inclusion on the agenda. But Cheryl feels it’s relevant for all organisations. She explained, ‘It’s the right thing to do morally, but if that isn’t a compelling enough reason for an organisation, it makes absolute sense from a business point of view. If organisations are to be relevant and sustainable in the future, they’ve got to address issues around diversity and inclusion.’
Read case studyCanadian Broadcasting Corporation
Facilitating the onboarding of disabled interns at CBC with a line manager workshop.
Read case studyElectrical retailer
Taran Ozagir is a Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing Manager who has a track record working with government bodies and large retail firms. Toby and Taran first worked together when Taran was looking after D&I and wellbeing for a large electronics retailer. Toby delivered some structured strategy workshops to his senior management team before creating a report to present back to Taran and his manager.
Read case studyTrain the Trainer Approach riving DEI at Medical Protection Society
The Medical Protection Society (MPS) is the world’s leading member-owned, not-for-profit protection organisation for doctors, dentists and healthcare professionals. MPS exists to protect and support the professional interests of almost 300,000 members around the world, helping them to understand and navigate the ongoing challenges of modern practice.
Read case studyCarnival UK
Hannah Leach is the VP for Culture and Learning at Carnival UK which is the operating company for Cunard and P&O Cruises, two of the world’s most popular cruise brands. Hannah’s broad role is to oversee the cultural development of the organisation. As well as diversity, equity and inclusion or DEI, she also looks after the learning team, internal communications, the wellbeing service and occupational health.
Read case studyGate One
Organisations may have generic plans that could have worked anywhere. Toby’s work with Gate One provided the business with a targeted plan specific to their needs.
Read case studyHow Publishing Giant Moved the Dial on D&I
John Athanasiou is Director of People for HarperCollins UK. He has been with the publishing company for 13 years. His role encompasses people strategy and culture and sees diversity and inclusion as a key part of that.
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